LGESR Smart Rehabilitation Robot Glove Electric Finger Trainer Physiotherapy Stroke Hemiplegia Training Exercise Equipment, Comfortable Stretching and Resting of The Hands

Preis: 938,99 €

Helps self-repair: simultaneous movement of both hands can activate mirror neurons and copy normal neural pathways from the hand to the affected part, thus promoting the autonomous recovery of the brain. Passive mode and mirror mode allow the trained hand to learn the movements of other hands.
Hand splint for blows: rehabilitation training glove used finger separation design that can separate and fix fingers to prevent finger convulsion. Made from a variety of flexible polymeric materials, while gently stretching your phalanges and avoiding contractures that can sometimes follow a serious medical incident
Passive Hand Function Training: The rehabilitation treatment device only needs to connect rehabilitation gloves and can be easily used by grasping objects such as training balls. At the same time, it has an intelligent function of adjusting the degree of flexion and extension.
Effects: Based on customer feedback, there will be feelings within 15 days, and improvements will be seen within 2-3 months. scientific rehabilitation and continuous training. the hands are small joints at the distal end, and the functions of the hand are fully restored. a long process of rehabilitation is required
Applicable people: suitable for hemiplegic patients with dysfunction, wrist and finger training, improve muscle strength and increase the joint range of motion of the joints. It can prevent and correct the stiffness of the contracture, the wrist extensor, and the extension tendon (called lateral repair palsy).

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